What’s Buried Next Door to Vancouver Island University? — KevinAnnett.com

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Dave Cottrell’s insight:

One must only read a Canadian history book written in the 1970s and used to indoctrinate (oops… teach…) a generation or so of little Canadians the sanitized and utterly false history of the relationship between the Canadian (British) government and First Nations people to begin to realize a coverup of a massive, dismissive and utterly heartless proportions has been going on for a very long time.  Lest anyone think I am blowing smoke, I personally knew a beautiful young First Nations lady who was sterilized against her will in the 1970s.  I also grew up where I was visible minority.  I personally witnessed the way First Nations children were treated differently from non-native kids.  I understand today why I only just found out in my fifties that my great grandmother was half Cree.  No one wanted to be identified as First Nations if they could somehow avoid the incredible abuse and prejudice heaped upon First Nations people in this so-called inclusive country.

See on kevinannett.com