Tsilhqot’in Nation Welcomes Recognition of Full Aboriginal Title for the First time in Canadian History | Earth First! Newswire

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from Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs The Tsilhqot’in Nation welcomes the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision overruling the BC Court of Appeal’s judgment on Aboriginal title. The Supreme Court of Canada upheld the 2007 ruling of the BC Supreme Court and declared Aboriginal title to approximately 2000 km2 in the heart of the Tsilhqot’in homeland, in the Cariboo-Chilcotin region of British Columbia. The Supreme Court of Canada’s ruling ends a long history of denial and sets the stage of recognition of Aboriginal title in its full form. Rejecting the BC Court of Appeal’s impoverished view of title as specific, intensely used sites is a step towards true and lasting reconciliation for all First Nations. The Tsilhqot’in Nation has worked tirelessly with many organizations to make this a reality. “We take this time to join hands and celebrate a new relationship with Canada. We are reminded of our elders who are no longer with us. First and foremost we need to say sechanalyagh (th

Dave Cottrell’s insight:

This is way, WAY overdue.  It’s very likely going to create some real challenges for everyone involved, but for the first time, real and just settlements HAVE to be made.  It’s no longer going to be possible to keep kicking the can down the road.

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