Spirit of Dr. Ben Carson Will Transcend State of Union Address

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Spirit of Dr.Ben Carson Will Transcend Tonight’s State of Union Address, State of the Union, Obama society: Christians can’t speak, Constitutionalists can’t speak, Tea Party members can’t speak, returning veterans can’t speak, and now surgeons aren’t…

Dave Cottrell’s insight:

“The difference between Barack Obama and Ben Carson couldn’t be more stark.  Obama feeds class warfare and rails about growing up in America in a single parenthome,  without ever bothering to thank an America that bestowed him a life of privilege.  Carson was goaded on to success by a mother whose motto is:  “Do your best and God will do the rest”.  In his poverty-challenged youth, with a mother who steadfastly refused victim status, Carson was reading books, not writing them.”

See on canadafreepress.com

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