Safe lists for effectively advertising your business in the 21st century

Safe lists for effective, successful advertising for your contemporary business in the 21st century

Yes! Safe lists can still be an excellent and low cost way to advertise your business.  Like classified ads, they are especially good for advertising business opportunities and bring great results.

Safe lists are safe to send to, because all the people on the list have agreed to receive email messages from other members on any subject, usually excluding illegal, hate, pornography, etc.

That means that you can’t spam the list, nor can you be accused of spam.

Safe lists for Advertising
Advertising on Safe Lists is effective!

We are sharing several of the best of the best safe lists that we have found.



What is Herculist?

Herculist is a 100% optin safe list. The system is very simple. Join for free and submit your ad to the Herculist database. Anything can be advertised as long as it is legal, and not adult material related!

When you join Herculist you will instantly receive your personal Herculist site. This site will be needed to login to the members area so that you can submit your ad to the safe list. You can also promote your site and earn commissions by sponsoring new Pro or Gold members! Many current Herculist members are earning substantial incomes from promoting their Herculist sites!

Say goodbye to downloading thousands of e-mail addresses. Say good bye to the fear of getting booted by your ISP. Herculist is the answer to all your internet marketing needs.

Join Herculist safe list

The State-of-the-art Mailer System

Many programs have a great pitch and many also have the proof behind the pitch which makes their
credibility go through the roof.

This safe list has plenty of proof.   Check out these numbers:

Total Members: 32,361
Total Clicks: 44,789,239
Total Commissions: $271,445.78

It’s rare to have this much disclosure on a site.

If you are looking for a quality mailer that will get your ads seen, this is a good one…

The proof is in the numbers.
Join now and see what this safe list is all about.

Leads, Leads, Leads!

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