Posting an Article Just 12 Times a Year Will Shock You
Posting an article on your blog even just 12 times a year will shock you by it’s effectiveness! Yes! Consistently posting once per month could be the biggest eye-opener you’ve ever experienced.
When you start posting an article every month on a regular basis will increase your website’s traffic likely far beyond anything you could imagine, and maybe more than anything you’ve previously tried. Every time you post, the search engines pick it up. They like fresh content! It will make your website rise in the rankings, showing up higher in search results.
Build your own safelist!
The ultimate safelist is your own. Posting an article regularly is content. Posting great content will give people a good reason to subscribe, so they don’t miss your next article. And when you commit to posting an article around the same time every month, people will be expectantly waiting for it.
Don’t let people down
Post every month on time. The more consistent you are, the better you will retain your subscribers.
Provide consistently great content. Apart from consistency, quality content is top. Many like to say, “Content is king.” But I’ve seen a lot of poor quality content, and sometimes, no new content at all for a long, long time. So, I would rephrase it to, “Consistent, fresh, quality content is king!”
Take it to the next level
Posting an article consistently every single month will definitely shock you with the results you will get. But if you want to take it to the next level, try consistently posting a new article twice a month. If you can keep that up, you will achieve stellar results!
Make quality the first priority
Don’t post junk!
People pay me to let them post guest articles on my blogs. But that comes with several conditions. First of all, it’s going to be marked “Guest post.” But secondly, I am going to go through it and edit it. I am going to make sure it is the highest quality I can make it from what has been provided. Sometimes the “guest post” doesn’t look a lot like the original, but it’s still original content, just presented properly.
Poor quality is the death of a blog.
Advertise sparingly
Another thing to be very consistent about when posting articles is to advertise sparingly. A general rule is to only include links in the article that are truly relevant. Links should be an extension of the quality content being presented in the article.
You can use a sidebar on your blog. You can then put a small number of ads in there. But don’t overdo it.
When you focus on posting an article consistently with a focus on high quality, you will gain subscribers. You can then send them a newsletter every month. It doesn’t have to be elaborate. It can simply be a quick note to inform them that your latest article has just been published. You can put an ad or two in that, too.
Persistent and consistent effort
Persistent and consistent effort trump brilliance and great ideas every time. There are a lot of really smart people with great ideas who are always broke. They have lots of really great ideas, and they will try every one of them. In the meantime, the person who just keep persistently and consistently posting articles WILL MAKE MONEY. That’s how it works.
There is nothing wrong with a great idea. But unless it is carried out with persistence and consistence, it will never amount to anything.
You have to start
If anything is ever going to work for you, you have to start. Today is a good day to start posting an article every month.. The results will shock you, especially if you’ve never had success to this point. Start today, and I wish you great success.
Tell us what you’re doing to build your safe list in the comment section!