Middle East and Terrorism: Gaza of Below and Gaza of Above

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Two Gazas. The Gaza of above is held tragically hostage to Gaza of below. But there is a third Gaza: the Gaza that could have been. In 2005 Israel uprooted more than 8000 Israelis and more than twenty settlements from Gaza, in the hope that Gazans would build a prosperous society, with tourists flocking to its beautiful beaches and agriculture flourishing in the greenhouses Israel left behind. Since then the greenhouses have been smashed and Gazan society brutalised by the Hamas regime. 

When this terrorist regime is finally disarmed and dismantled, this third Gaza may yet become a reality.

Dave Cottrell’s insight:

Gaza of 2005 could have been the garden paradise of 2014.  Instead, Hamas has destroyed it.

See on israelagainstterror.blogspot.com