ISIS Declares Caliphate, Calls on All Muslims to Join | Clarion Project

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The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is now just the Islamic State. Yesterday it declared itself a Caliphate and its leader Caliph Ibrahim

Dave Cottrell’s insight:

“On Sunday the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) declared itself a caliphate. It dropped ‘Iraq and Syria from its name and now wishes to be known as the Islamic State. The announcement was made to coincide with the first day of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. They have also changed their flag.”

“Only last week, senior Department of Homeland Security advisor Mohammed Elibiary tweeted that the recreation of an Islamic caliphate was inevitable and that the U.S. should support such an endeavor, comparing it to the European Union. ”

I cannot understand how the USA even HAS a DHS advisor who would advocate a form of government that orders all unmarried young women to present themselves for “sex-jihad” with these brutal monsters.

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