Hundreds die in Syria ‘deadliest week’

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More than 1,700 people have been killed in seven days as fighting intensified after Presdent Assad was sworn in for a third term.

Dave Cottrell’s insight:

Why isn’t THIS all over the news?  Oh, yeah… they are too busy being anti-semitic in the Israel-Gaza conflict.  They don’t care about Arabs butchering Arabs.  All most of the western news media cares about is making Israel look like monsters for defending their country against the constant rocket and missile attacks from Gaza.  But 1700 Arabs killed by Arabs?  That doesn’t seem to bother anyone.  I can guarantee, though… if 100 Arabs were killed by Jews, the media would have a frenzy.  What a completely corrupt world we live in.  The media has proven that for all their teary eyed reports, they care WAY more about ratings than human life.

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