Hamas Just Attempted To Create A Horrific Nuclear Disaster In The Heart Of Israel

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After the horrors of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, how insane do you have to be to fire missiles directly at a major nuclear facility?  No matter what side

Dave Cottrell’s insight:

“There has been a lot of criticism of Israel in the mainstream media in recent days, but much of it is quite hypocritical.  Just imagine what would happen in the U.S. if another country fired just one missile at New York City or at one of our nuclear reactors.  If that happened, "glass parking lot” would suddenly be on the lips of tens of millions of Americans all over the country, and the U.S. military would rapidly be preparing for an absolutely devastating response.“

Hamas has claimed responsibility for firing the rockets, stating that it had been deliberately attempting to hit the nuclear reactor in Dimona.

See on theeconomiccollapseblog.com