FDA, mainstream media denounce nano silver as ‘bogus cure’ for Ebola virus

See on Scoop.itHealth and Inhumanity

FDA, mainstream media denounce nano silver as ‘bogus cure’ for Ebola virus

Dave Cottrell’s insight:

“Interestingly, the New York Times did not warn its readers about the New York Times promoting bogus ebola cures in the form of statin drugs. The pattern that’s emerging from the NYT is quite predictable: All experimental pharmaceuticals from the world of western medicine are assumed to be of value, while all experimental treatments from the world of holistic medicine are assumed to be fraud. This stance is, of course, wholly unscientific from the outset.

It also brings up the question: "What’s the difference between an unproven drug treatment and an unproven holistic treatment?” The answer is “faith.” Western culture has faith in western medicine, so drug treatments and vaccines are assumed to always work. Who needs proof when irrational faith in western drugs is sufficient?“

See on naturalnews.com

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