Canadian Government slams the door in the face of Goliath enviro-supporting Rockefellers

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Canadian Government slams the door in the face of Goliath enviro-supporting Rockefellers, Eco-charities in trouble in Canada, Canada Revenue’s audit of high-profile environmental groups, David Suzuki Foundation, Tides Canada, Environmental Defence, the Pembina Foundation, Eqiuiterre and the Ecology Action Centre

Dave Cottrell’s insight:

Let there be no mistake.  It is the Rockerfellers and their friends who own over 80% of the pharmaceutical companies and Monsanto.  Who are you going to trust to protect the environment?  These guys work to bring down whole countries!

““The plan was conceived and planned and funded and managed by white guys in New York.

“So they made a call down to central casting to order themselves up, to quote their campaign plan, “First Nations and other legal challenges.”

In the ‘Rockefeller Vs. Canada Battle’, celebrities get to sign their names to full-page anti-oilsands newspaper ads, the Indians get to do the grunt work.”

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