Breaking news: Rebels admit gas attack result of mishandling chemical weapons

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In a report that is sure to be considered blockbuster news, the rebels told Dale Gavlak, a reporter who has written for the Associated Press, NPR and BBC, they

Dave Cottrell’s insight:

From the information I’ve been gathering, this is FAR more likely to be true than what the US administration is reporting.  Think about it people and don’t be sheeple!  What could Assad POSSIBLY gain by using chemical weapons?  He knows without any question that the west will attack him with the slightest provocation and he KNOWS they can use a chemical attack by his regime to virtually guarantee support from the masses (sheeple) in the US and most of the western world.  

What the western media is NOT reporting, nor are western administrations admitting, is that the rebels are in many cases far more brutal than Assad.  I have personally watched their own videos, where they have had fun abusing the dead and bloody bodies of police and civilians they have killed before throwing them off a bridge into the river.  Friends inside Syria tell me of the rebels grabbing Christians and beheading them.  By helping the rebels, the west is helping:

1 – Hezbollah

2 – Victory Front ( Jabht Alnosra)
3 – Al-Qaeda
4 – to set up another dictatorial (and even more brutal) regime
All these groups (Muslim terrorists) are fighting in Syria 

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