BLM Siege At Bunkerville – The Real Story

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Senator Harry Reid rides to the rescue, BLM Siege At Bunkerville – The Real Story, Land, BLM auction, Harry, Rory, Lief Reid, Chinese, racism, cattle, first Amendment areas, No Fly Zones

Dave Cottrell’s insight:

Pretty hard to put it much better than this:

“Cliven Bundy’s careless remarks should never have become the main topic of this story any more than Senator Reid’s careless “Light skinned with no Negro dialect unless he wanted to have one” remark about Barack Obama that was underplayed during the 2008 Presidential campaign, or then-Delaware Senator Joseph Biden’s careless (Obama is the) “first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy” remark in 2007 that was never criticized by the same media commentators who are now attacking Bundy for making equally careless racial remarks. (All three apologized after learning they offended people.)

A Senate Majority Leader and a Vice President were never called “hateful racist” fortheir remarks!  Why is a similar remark from a nobody rancher now making headlines? Maybe to distract from the real story – the BLM being used as a pawn in a land and water rights grab to benefit politically connected developers.

For the time being, the real story of the BLM siege at Bunkerville is lost in a haze of inciteful rhetoric. It’s time to get back on point before the BLM returns to complete their ominous orders.”

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