Barack Obama: The Ghost of Columbia University

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I just returned from New York, where I attended my 30th Columbia University reunion. I celebrated with my esteemed classmates. Everyone except Barack Obama. As usual- he wasn’t there. Not even a video greeting. Not…

Dave Cottrell’s insight:

What is the real story?  Why is no one in the media asking?  Where did the sitting president of the United States come from?  Why the secrecy?  Would it not be better to lay all these questions to rest and open the sealed documents, once and for all?

“Keep in mind these people I spoke to are all- to a man and woman- dedicated liberal Democrats who voted for Obama. I’m guessing 90% are major Democrat contributors. My Columbia classmates are the crème of the crop of American society. Lawyers, doctors, billionaire hedge fund members, stars of the media. They adore Obama. But they all admit they never met him in their four years at Columbia. I am proud of my classmates for their honesty and integrity.”

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