Badge Abuse: Police to Blame for Pregnant Woman’s Death?

See on Scoop.itHealth and Inhumanity

by Shannon Jones A 33-year-old Pauls Valley, Oklahoma mother has died after being found unresponsive in a jail cell. Jamie Lynn Russell was placed in the Gavin County Jail after a police officer fo…

Dave Cottrell’s insight:

This definitely falls under health and INHUMANITY.  What else should we know about this lady that died?  What is there that we are not being told in the media?  This lady died from complications from a ruptured ectopic pregnancy.  She had to have been in incredible pain.  What possible reason can any healthcare workers give for releasing someone in such intense pain that she COULD NOT cooperate to the police to be thrown in jail and what possible reason can the police give for arresting someone in such pain for ANY reason and then denying her proper medical care?  There is more to this story than meets the eye… 

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