Alaska back to Russia. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

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Dave Cottrell’s insight:

Here is a petition started by Russians who want Alaska to secede from the United States and rejoin Russia.  I found the link in comments written in response to a Russian Youtube video, titled (rough translation) “Don’t be a fool, America.”  The video suggests that Queen Catherine of Russia gave Alaska to the United States, just as Kruschev gave Crimea to the Ukraine, and that the US should give it back.  The truth is, the US BOUGHT Alaska when it was offered for sale to Canada and the USA.  The petition is likely nothing more than a little comic relief started by someone from Russia for fun.  However, there is much sentiment expressed all over the internet that the USA is responsible for all of Russia’s woes since and including the fall of the USSR.  These are dangerous sentiments, especially in this modern world.


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