AJC: UN Human Rights Council Condemns Israel, Absolves Hamas

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To enhance the well-being of the Jewish people and Israel, and to advance human rights and democratic values around the world.

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Supporting Israel’s quest for peace and security;
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Strengthening Jewish life.

Dave Cottrell’s insight:

All one has to do to realise that the UN Human Rights Council is extremely biased is to see the reports coming out of Syria, where the BBC reports 1700 people were killed in one week by ISIS and others.  Where is the UN there?  Where is the UN in Iraq?  Oh, yeah… in those countries it’s Arab against Arab… wonder why they don’t say anything about that?  Could it have anything to do with the fact that Arab countries hold the balance of power in the UN, a fact that kept Canada from getting a seat on the UN Security Council for the first time in its history, because Canada was the one country bold enough to stand up for Israel’s right to exist?

See on ajc.org