The Iranian nuclear deal is done. Here’s what it says. Full text.

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(Washington, D.C.) — “A historic deal was struck early Sunday between Iran and six world powers over Tehran’s nuclear program that slows the country’s nuclear development program in exchange for li…

Dave Cottrell’s insight:

The best description of Ahmedinajab was “A wolf in wolf’s clothing.”  The best description of his successor is “A wolf in sheep’s clothing.”  The Ayatollah is still the supreme leader, and the world MUST remember that he approved this new “leader” before he could even run in their “elections.”  Here is what the Ayatollah says of this agreement:  "* Khamenei says “Israeli regime is doomed to failure, annihilation” as nuclear negotiations resume in Geneva. “

It is SO bad that Saudi Arabia, who does not even allow Jews to land in their country on stop over flights, are talking about an alliance with Israel to protect both countries from the agression of Iran.

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