Unbelievable! Media Blames Chris Stevens for His Own Murder – New Talking Points to Clear Clinton for 2016 – Freedom Outpost

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Unbelievable! Media Blames Chris Stevens for His Own Murder in Benghazi demonstrating the New Talking Points to Clear Clinton for 2016

Dave Cottrell’s insight:

There are certain “news” sources whose articles I am hesitant to share, but in this particular case I will make an exception, due to the fact that I believe the writers of this particular article make a valid point.  Too many high ranking US military officers have stepped forward, always at the expense or at the very least, extreme risk, of their careers to explain how things they were responsible for went down that night as they obediently followed orders from Washington.  Benghazi should not be buried.  Those responsible for the operation and its abismal failure need to be called to account so that in the future, leaders might think twice before handling things so badly.  This did not have to happen.  I believe the military knows far more than the politicians when it comes to military tactics, and they say they could have saved the US citizens who died.  What the military also says is that their hands were tied under direct orders from Washington.  Personally, I don’t care  who it is that is responsible, only that whoever it is is held responsible.

See on freedomoutpost.com