The political split in the Ukraine corresponds to the location of two relevant shale gas deposits in the country – The city of Kharkiv is central to a shale gas reservoir in the Dnieper-Donet basin

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Basin-centered gas evaluated in Dnieper-Donets basin, Donbas foldbelt, UkraineUkraine — fracking for natural gas goes globalMarch 12, 2014 Tweet Pin It By Drs. Robert & Sonia Vogl President and…

Dave Cottrell’s insight:

Think about this:  If you were Mr. Putin, and you knew there was a huge deposit of natural gas JUST next door in the Dnieper-Donet Basin, and you knew the West was working to free western Europe from its overwhelming dependence on Russian gas, what might go through your mind?  This seesaw battle between East and West is playing everybody right into the hands of the puppet masters, who control the IMF and want total control over the entire planet.

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