Donetsk leaflet: Jews must register or face deportation

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News: Fear replaced communal atmosphere in Donetsk’s Jewish community as armed men handed out a leaflet Passover eve calling on Jews register their religion and property with the interim pro-Russian government or face deportation and loss of citizenship.

Dave Cottrell’s insight:

If ever there was a time for cool, sensible heads to prevail, this is it.  If these flyers really are being handed out by pro-Russian bandits in Donetsk, then they are doing the same think the “Bendery Junta,” whom they claim to oppose and who they claim now holds power in Kiev, did in 1941.  The West needs to back up, shut up and get all their facts straight before taking any kind of action.  The bottom line is, IF this is going on, it cannot be allowed to happen again, no matter who is behind it.

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